Kathleen Barry Speaking at Moe’s Books May 19 7:30pm

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Kathleen Barry
Speaking at Moe’s Books
May 19, 2011 at 7:30 pm


May 19, 2011, 2:00 pm, Berkeley, CA
Moe’s Books
2476 Telegraph Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 849-2087

Kathleen Barry, Professor Emerita of Penn State University, is the author of five books including Female Sexual Slavery which launched a global movement against trafficking in human beings.

Her latest book challenges the masculinity of war and reveals through the ongoing wars of today how and why peace is only possible with the remaking of men. She looks to those soldiers who have resisted and refused to fight as models for the new masculinity already in the making.

In a world where Arabs are often being demonized, it is soothing to read a book by such a fine Western intellectual with so much empathy who offers us a unique perspective on how we could untangle the knots of an explosive situation. A must for anyone trying to find solutions to war. —Evelyne Accad, Sexuality and War: Literary Masks of the Middle East

“With the courageous vision, scrupulous scholarship, and heartfelt writing that has illumined her books on female sexual slavery, Kathleen Barry here focuses her laser-like intelligence on violence, militarism, and core masculinity. Unmaking War, Remaking Menmakes the connections that could save us all. Ignore this book at your peril.”
—Robin Morgan

About Kathleen Barry

I am a feminist activist, author of five books including Female Sexual Slavery which launched an international movement against trafficking in human beings and a sociologist and Professor Emerita. My latest book Unmaking War, Remaking Men has prompted this blog.
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